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Discover your limits and push the boundaries of what you can do

Bootcamp is a highly effective training program that combines endurance and dynamic exercises with music sets and special lighting. Thanks to the high-energy atmosphere and engaging instructors, you’ll always leave this fitness class feeling motivated and energized

Maximum performance

You can burn up to 1000 calories during 60 minutes of group exercise.

Supervision of an instructor

An experienced trainer will guide you through the entire hour and help you adjust your intensity according to your level.

No routine

The complexity of the exercise targets every muscle group.

Discover Bootcamp

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Training plan

Every training session is different

Each day of the week focuses on a different body parts and muscle groups. We have created targeted programs that provide a perfectly balanced workout ending with stretching. It’s the fastest way to achieve your desired effect and goal.



„Bootcamp je intenzívny tréning, ktorý svojou energiou stiahne každého, kto si ho príde zacvičiť. Kombinácia silového cvičenia s tréningom kondície posilní nielen telo, ale pri tomto cvičení si aj psychicky oddýchnete. Jediné čo stačí, je nájsť motiváciu a prísť si s nami zacvičiť.“

Niki sa dlhé roky aktívne venovala basketbalu. Športovanie je jej každodennou aktivitou, ktorá jej dodáva energiu a vďaka Bootcampu ju môže odovzdávať ďalej.

- Ukončený II. stupeň Trénerstva na FTVŠ
- Tréner I. kvalifikačného stupňa vo Fitness




Fitness trainer

Start your journey to a healthy lifestyle